eCleanCab/HEPA Filtration System
eCleanCab/HEPA Filtration System Emergency One have designed and implemented a new system into our vehicles, to help facilitate a cleaner, safer, working environment. Through extensive research, discussion and consultation with Services and ultimately end users, it was clear that the ‘clean cab’ goal was high on many an agenda. Over the years, we have developed […]
Emergency One (UK) Limited Launch the “E1 Scorpion”
This February saw the launch of Emergency One (UK) Limited’s (E1) flagship new appliance, the E1 Scorpion™. The event, hosted by E1 and sister company, Clan Tools and Plant Limited, at their state-of-the-art specialist appliance manufacturing plant in Scotland, welcomed attendees from Fire and Rescue Services throughout the UK, as well as many from airport […]